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mensaje Jul 26 2008, 02:21 PM
Publicado: #2371

Doctor en Matemáticas
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 176
Registrado: 4-June 08
Desde: Castro >> Conce
Miembro Nº: 25.926
Colegio/Liceo: Liceo Galvarino Riveros Cardenas
Universidad: Universidad de Concepcion-Facultad de Medicina

TEX: \noindent $\boxed{P3}$\\<br />\begin{align}<br />\nonumber \dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= \text{?}\\<br />\nonumber \\<br />\dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= \dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \text{/Factorizando}\\<br />\nonumber \\<br />\dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= \dfrac{[1+(x-y)][1-(x-y)]}{1+x-y} \ \  \text{/Simplificamos}\\<br />\nonumber \\<br />\dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= 1-(x+y) \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{/Desarrollando el paréntesis}\\<br />\nonumber \\<br />\dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= 1-x+y \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \text{/Ordenando}\\<br />\nonumber \\<br />\dfrac{1-(x-y)^2}{1+x-y} &= 1+y-x<br />\end{align} \\ \\<br /><br />\noindent \boxed{Alternativa{\text{ }}E}<br />

Mensaje modificado por Kajoel el Jul 26 2008, 04:25 PM

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Andres villegas
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 03:18 PM
Publicado: #2372

Maestro Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 115
Registrado: 20-May 08
Miembro Nº: 23.908
Colegio/Liceo: Colegio El Salvador-San Vicente de Tagua Tagua
Universidad: Universidad Santa Maria

TEX: $\begin{gathered}<br />  P.2 \hfill \\<br />  \frac{a}<br />{b} + \frac{b}<br />{c} + \frac{c}<br />{a} = 1{\text{     Y     }}abc = 3 \hfill \\<br />  entonces:{\text{ desarrollamos:  }}\frac{a}<br />{b} + \frac{b}<br />{c} + \frac{c}<br />{a} = 1{\text{  }}\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}{\text{ }}\frac{{ab^2  + bc^2  + ca^2 }}<br />{{abc}} = 1 \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Nos Piden  }}ab^2  + bc^2  + ca^2 {\text{ entonces simplemente reemplazamos el denominador de la fraccion}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{resultante que es }}abc = 3{\text{ porque el enunciado del problema nos da esta informacion}}{\text{. }} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{y simplemente multiplicamos}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{cruzado y obtenemos : }} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{                                                 }}ab^2  + bc^2  + ca^2  = 3{\text{                            Alternativa A}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} $<br />

Estudiante de Segundo Año
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:42 PM
Publicado: #2373

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{21}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2 \hfill \\<br />  \frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2 \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  xy = ? \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2} \right] \bullet xy \hfill \\<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2} \right] \bullet x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy\left( {} \right)^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2 \left[ {} \right] -  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />   - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  =  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  12xy = x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  12 = \frac{{x^2 y^2 }}<br />{{xy}} \hfill \\<br />  12 = xy \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Alternativa C}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:45 PM
Publicado: #2374

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{21}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2 \hfill \\<br />  \frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2 \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  xy = ? \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2} \right] \bullet xy \hfill \\<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2} \right] \bullet x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy\left( {} \right)^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2 \left[ {} \right] -  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />   - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  =  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />   \hfill \\<br />  12xy = x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  12 = \frac{{x^2 y^2 }}<br />{{xy}} \hfill \\<br />  12 = xy \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Alternativa C}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:46 PM
Publicado: #2375

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{21}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2 \hfill \\<br />  \frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2 \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  xy = ? \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{2}}}<br />{{\text{x}}} + \frac{{\text{3}}}<br />{{\text{y}}} = 2} \right] \bullet xy \hfill \\<br />  \left[ {\frac{{\text{4}}}<br />{{{\text{x}}^{\text{2}} }} + \frac{{\text{9}}}<br />{{{\text{y}}^{\text{2}} }} = 2} \right] \bullet x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  2y + 3x = 2xy\left( {} \right)^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 9x^2  = 3x^2 y^2 \left[ {} \right] -  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  \left. {\underline {\, <br /> \begin{gathered}<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />   - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  =  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered}  \,}}\! \right|  \hfill \\<br />  4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  + 12xy + 9x^2  - 4{\text{y}}^{\text{2}}  - 9x^2  = 4x^2 y^2  - 3x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  12xy = x^2 y^2  \hfill \\<br />  12 = \frac{{x^2 y^2 }}<br />{{xy}} \hfill \\<br />  12 = xy \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Alternativa C}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:46 PM
Publicado: #2376

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\boxed\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{15}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {{\text{x + 1}}} \right) = x^2  \hfill \\<br />  f\left( 3 \right) = ? \hfill \\<br />  x + 1 = 3 \hfill \\<br />  x = 2 \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {\text{3}} \right) = \left( 2 \right)^2  \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {\text{3}} \right) = 4 \hfill \\<br />  Alternativa{\text{ B}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:48 PM
Publicado: #2377

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{15}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {{\text{x + 1}}} \right) = x^2  \hfill \\<br />  f\left( 3 \right) = ? \hfill \\<br />  x + 1 = 3 \hfill \\<br />  x = 2 \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {\text{3}} \right) = \left( 2 \right)^2  \hfill \\<br />  {\text{f}}\left( {\text{3}} \right) = 4 \hfill \\<br />  Alternativa{\text{ B}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:49 PM
Publicado: #2378

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{9}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  3 - \frac{3}<br />{{3 - \frac{1}<br />{x}}} = 1 \hfill \\<br />  x = ? \hfill \\<br />  3 - \frac{3}<br />{{\frac{{3x - 1}}<br />{x}}} = 1 \hfill \\<br />  3 - \frac{{3x}}<br />{{3x - 1}} = 1 \hfill \\<br />  \left( {3x - 1} \right) \bullet 3 - \frac{{3x}}<br />{{3x - 1}} \bullet \left( {3x - 1} \right) = \left( {3x - 1} \right) \hfill \\<br />  9x - 3 - 3x = 3x - 1 \hfill \\<br />  3x = 2 \hfill \\<br />  x = \frac{2}<br />{3} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Alternativa E}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:50 PM
Publicado: #2379

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  {\text{6}}{\text{.}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{a  +  b = 2008}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{ab = 2008}} \hfill \\<br />  \frac{{{\text{a}}^{\text{2}}  + b^2 }}<br />{{2008}} = ? \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Cuadrado de binomio}} \hfill \\<br />  \left( {{\text{a  +  b}}} \right)^2  = {\text{a}}^{\text{2}}  + 2ab + b^2  \hfill \\<br />  \left( {{\text{2008}}} \right)^2  = {\text{a}}^{\text{2}}  + 2 \bullet 2008 + b^2  \hfill \\<br />  \left( {{\text{2008}}} \right)^2  - \left( {2 \bullet 2008} \right) = {\text{a}}^{\text{2}}  + b^2  \hfill \\<br />  \frac{{\left( {{\text{2008}}} \right)^2  - \left( {2 \bullet 2008} \right)}}<br />{{2008}} = \frac{{\left( {{\text{2008}}} \right)\left( {2008 - 2} \right)}}<br />{{2008}} = 2006 \hfill \\<br />  Alternativa{\text{ B}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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+Quote Post
mensaje Jul 26 2008, 07:50 PM
Publicado: #2380

Dios Matemático
Ícono de Grupo

Grupo: Usuario FMAT
Mensajes: 363
Registrado: 12-October 06
Miembro Nº: 2.478
Colegio/Liceo: Preuniversitario Pedro de Valdivia
Universidad: Universidad de Valparaiso

TEX: \[<br />\begin{gathered}<br />  4. \hfill \\<br />  \left( {X - 37} \right)^2  - 169 = 0 \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Suma por diferencia}} \hfill \\<br />  \left( {{\text{X}} - 37 - 13} \right)\left( {{\text{X}} - 37 + 13} \right) \hfill \\<br />  \left( {{\text{X}} - 50} \right)\left( {{\text{X}} - 24} \right) = 0 \hfill \\<br />  X = 50{\text{   X = 24}} \hfill \\<br />  {\text{Alternativa D}} \hfill \\ <br />\end{gathered} <br />\]
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